Helping {brand} improve their {experience/flow}.

Write a short summary to your case study…

Helping {brand} improve their {experience/flow}.

Write a short summary to your case study…

Optimizing enduco’s onboarding flow for beginner level athletes

Training strategically for endurance sports often means learning a lot of technical terms. In this project, we have optimized the onboarding for beginners to offer them a smooth start.



User Research

Product Strategy

UI Design

Interaction Design

Usability Testing










5 weeks

Optimizing enduco’s onboarding flow for beginner level athletes

Training strategically for endurance sports often means learning a lot of technical terms. In this project, we have optimized the onboarding for beginners to offer them a smooth start.


User Research

Product Strategy

UI Design

Usability Testing







4 weeks

Optimizing enduco’s onboarding flow for beginner level athletes

Training strategically for endurance sports often means learning a lot of technical terms. In this project, we have optimized the onboarding for beginners to offer them a smooth start.


User Research

Product Strategy

UI Design

Usability Testing







4 weeks

The Problem

The challenge lies in creating an onboarding process for the enduco app that effectively gathers necessary data for tailored and adaptive training plans while ensuring a user-friendly experience that accommodates both beginners and experienced athletes, bridging the gap between technical requirements and user ease.

The Solution

To address this challenge, we conducted quantitative research to identify friction points for novice users within the enduco onboarding process. By offering additional explanations and guidance, we've redesigned the flow to seamlessly collect essential data while minimizing user frustration, particularly for individuals unfamiliar with certain terms or concepts of endurance sports.

Business & User frustrations

Novice athletes struggle during the onboarding because they don't understand scientific terms. This frustration not only hinders user experience but also contributes to a dropout rate within the onboarding process, causing frustration for the business as well.

Novice athletes experience frustration when they encounter scientific terms during the onboarding process for a structured training plan.

When [situation] users are [response] which results in [problem to business or user]

When [situation] users are [response] which results in [problem to business or user]

When [situation] users are [response] which results in [problem to business or user]

The business faces frustration due to a dropout rate in the onboarding process caused by user frustration with scientific terms.

When [situation] users are [response] which results in [problem to business or user]

When [situation] users are [response] which results in [problem to business or user]

When [situation] users are [response] which results in [problem to business or user]

Problem Space

How might we streamline the onboarding process for novice athletes in endurance sports, ensuring comprehension of scientific terms and minimizing frustration, thereby reducing dropout rates and enhancing user satisfaction?


What can we add

Additional explanation to help novice users to understand certain terminology and why the requested data is important for setting up a training plan.

What can we improve

When a user is unaware of specific parameters, we don't require them to provide that information to prevent frustration.

User Flows

The adapted flow for beginners is much smoother and avoids frustration.

High Fidelity Prototype

This new prototype automatically skips certain parts of the onboarding that have been proven to create frustration.

© Felix Noll 2024